Green - Garden & Landscaping HTML5 Responsive Website Template
For anyone working in the agricultural sector, this HTML5 responsive website template for gardens and landscaping is ideal. Whether you work as a landscaper, florist, or gardener, this template is made to highlight your offerings & This template is perfect for companies and people selling plants, flowers, lawn care services, and more, as it promotes sustainable gardening methods and environmentally responsible activities. Your website will appear fantastic on all devices if it has responsive design and user-friendly features.
Template Features:
- 2 Elegant Home Page Layout
- 17+ Page Multipurpose Layout
- Working Ajax Contact Form
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- Easy to Customize
- W3C Valid Code
- SEO Friendly Content
- Clean & Commented Code
- 100% Fully Responsive Design
- Free API Google Map
- Free Updates
- Free Google Fonts
- Well Documentation
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
- HTML, CSS, JS & PHP Files Included
- FontAwesome & Flaticon & Bootstrap Icons
- Based on Bootstrap Latest Version
- & Much More
模板編號: 400675 |
類型: HTML 響應式網頁網站模板 |
作者: CuteThemes |
下載: 0 |
模板編號: 400675 |
模板類型: HTML 響應式網頁網站模板 |
作者: CuteThemes |
下載: 0 |
模板類型: Clean, Minimalist, Mobile, Material Design,
主題: Gardening Templates, Landscape Design Templates, Garden Design Templates, Agriculture Templates, Exterior Design Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Business & Services, Home & Family,
顏色: black, white, grey, green,
標籤: agriculture, eco, ecology, firewood, florist, flowers, garden, gardener, gardening, gardners, green, landscape, landscaper, landscaping, pants, html5, groundskeeper, farmer shop, landscape architects, lawn services,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,
主題: Gardening Templates, Landscape Design Templates, Garden Design Templates, Agriculture Templates, Exterior Design Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Business & Services, Home & Family,
顏色: black, white, grey, green,
標籤: agriculture, eco, ecology, firewood, florist, flowers, garden, gardener, gardening, gardners, green, landscape, landscaper, landscaping, pants, html5, groundskeeper, farmer shop, landscape architects, lawn services,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,