
Nonprts-Nonprofit Charity HTML5 Template

HTML 響應式網頁網站模板

Nonprts-Nonprofit Charity HTML5 Template is A nonprofit charity is an organization that operates for the public good, aiming to serve a charitable purpose without making a profit. These organizations are typically dedicated to specific causes, such as supporting communities in need, advancing education, providing healthcare, aiding the environment, or addressing social issues. Their primary goal is to make a positive impact on society rather than generating revenue for private gain.

This template comes with all the features you need to make it a great choice for your online presence.

模板編號: 370616
類型: HTML 響應式網頁網站模板
作者: TechTime
下載: 1
NT $684
模板編號: 370616
模板類型: HTML 響應式網頁網站模板
作者: TechTime
下載: 1
特徵: Responsive, Mobile Layout Included, HTML 5,

主題: Funeral Services Templates, Charity Templates, Dating Templates, Child Charity Templates, Society & People,

顏色: black, white, grey, brown, orange,

標籤: agency, burial, casket, charity, coffin, company, couple, dating, donate, donation, flowers, foundation, fund, love, marriage, memorial, ngo, organization, rings, services,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,