
Vegetable Isolated Object Set


Vegetables Isolated Object Set

This set contains broccoli, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, garlic, green chili, potato, red chili, sweet potato, and tomato.

About The Item

  • Vector
  • RGB Color

Files Included

  • AI File
  • EPS10 File
  • SVG Files
  • PNG Files (1024 px and 2048 px)
模板編號: 385321
類型: 向量圖形樣版
作者: bartama_graphic
下載: 0
NT $252
模板編號: 385321
模板類型: 向量圖形樣版
作者: bartama_graphic
下載: 0
主題: Food & Drink Templates, Food & Restaurant,

顏色: white, green,

標籤: broccoli, carrot, chili, corn, cucumber, food, fresh, garlic, healthy, organic, tomato, vegan, vegetable, vegetarian, cauliflower, potato, cabbage, sweet potato,

filesIncluded: PNG, EPS, SVG, AI,