LifeCare - Doctor Consultan Landing Page V1

Welcome to LifeCare - Doctor Consultant Landing Page V1, your gateway to seamless healthcare experiences. Discover a world of personalized care and expertise, where every click brings you closer to your wellness goals. With captivating design and intuitive navigation, LifeCare V1 ensures that connecting with healthcare professionals is as easy as it is delightful. Step into a realm of compassionate care and embark on a journey to optimal health with LifeCare V1.
- Landing page designs ( Desktop & Mobile version)
- Design that is easy to adjust
- Layers are well organized and neat
- Open source fonts
- File include .fig .xd .sketch
- Global text and color styles
- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD
- All images are used for preview purposes only and are NOT included in the main file.
模板編號: 394503 |
類型: UX / UI 設計元素模版 |
作者: twinletter |
下載: 0 |
模板編號: 394503 |
模板類型: UX / UI 設計元素模版 |
作者: twinletter |
下載: 0 |
顏色: white, blue,
標籤: appointment, consultation, couch, doctor, healthcare, hospital, layout, medic, medicare, page, patient, specialist, talking, treatment, website,
graphicsType: Vector, Raster,
compatibility: Adobe XD, Figma, Sketch,
filesIncluded: XD, FIG,