
Selling E-books Magento Theme

Magento 多商店購物車佈景

Reading can be amusing, interesting and absorbing. Did we nick your initial website concept? It's a great approach as positive emotions help to sell! Our design is very bright and cheerful. No gloomy hues and moody faces are allowed. Only cheerfulness in its purest form. As you are going to sell e-books, their reading won't affect users' plans as they can always take a book or a heap of them and read right on the go. Yes, everything is that easy and our template immerses customers into this pleasant atmosphere when all things are under control. As to the products presentation, it's excellent. Banners are bright and noticeable. Website navigation is swift and simple due to the books categories placed in the left sidebar. Round 'New' and 'Sale' stickers draw user attention to good bargains. Young people, in slider gallery, emotionally reacting on the content they are reading encourage the visitors to try out your services and experience the same emotions.

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This Education & Books Magento design template is Responsive

What is it?

It is an ability of the website to promptly adjust to any display size and resolution.

Why is it Good?

It is great considering that the website is available for more visitors from the huge variety of devices.

Browse for more Responsive Magento themes here

This is Books Magento theme with Background video

What is it?

Background video is an attribute which allows you to place a video as a background of your own on-line resource.

Why is it Good?

Background video will assist you to make the site that efficiently stands apart from the market. You can manage and control it like any other web page element. Additionally, the procedure of setting up a background video is completely easy.

Find fresh Background video Magento design templates here

This is a Bootstrap Education Magento theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is actually a costless front-end framework that gives for faster and also trouble-free website development expertise.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap helps to build better websites .

View more Bootstrap Magento themes here

This Education Magento design theme is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

If a website user types a thing to the research bar, the search engine seeks it in accordance with numerous guidelines. Search Engine Friendly layout's code is actually specifically clear and structured to try to make SEO work easier.

Why is it Good?

You don't need to be an expert at SEO to get high rankings in Google. WordPress SEO plugins help to compose SEO-friendly title tags and meta descriptions, as well as analyze on-page content, let you create XML-sitemaps, and much more.

View latest Search Engine Friendly Magento themes here

This is Books Magento template with On-line chat functionality

What is it?

Online chat makes reference to any kind of communication that happens over the Web in the real-time.

Why is it Good?

On-line Chat is a great choice for corporate websites. It allows assisting hesitating shoppers and encouraging them to make their final decision. On-line Chat makes your website seem more trustworthy and delivers more prospects to your company.

Latest On-line chat Magento designs here

模板編號: 53173
類型: Magento 多商店購物車佈景
作者: WT
下載: 25
NT $6768
模板編號: 53173
模板類型: Magento 多商店購物車佈景
作者: WT
下載: 25
分類查看: Grid, List,

特徵: Responsive, Admin Panel, Search Engine Friendly, Bootstrap, On-line chat, Sliced PSD, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Blog, Online Store/Shop, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,

模板原始碼: .PSD, .XML, .PHTML, .CSS,

語系支援: English, Spanish, Russian, German,

JQuery Scripts: Mobile Menu, Responsive Slider,

模板軟件需求: Adobe Photoshop CC+, ZIP unarchiver, Clean install without sample data, Magento community edition 1.9.x, PHP editor.,

信任的元素: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

標籤: adventure, affiliation, books, buy, card, catalogue, categories, crime, delivery, erotic, fantasy, fiction, historical, kids, mass, new, novelty, online, order, organization, portal, products, read, reading, resources, reviews, sale, shop, shopping, store, ebook,

主題: Books, Education & Books,

模板類型: Neutral, Flat,

顏色: white, grey,

藝廊圖庫程式: Accordion, Carousel, Slider,

Magento 擴展: Cloud Zoom, Social Icons,

網站表單: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Advanced Search,

貨幣: USD, GBP, EUR,