
Logo in the form of a book for the website and application

商標 Logo 設計樣版區

Logo in the form of a book for the website and application. A logo template for your design. The logo is easy to customize for your website and application, change the color.

File format:

  • Ai
  • Eps
  • Psd
  • Svg
  • Png
  • Cdr
  • Jpg

100% editable and scalable vector. The color is easy to change. Thank you for using my work.

模板編號: 404375
類型: 商標 Logo 設計樣版區
作者: Aleksander1
下載: 0
NT $360
模板編號: 404375
模板類型: 商標 Logo 設計樣版區
作者: Aleksander1
下載: 0
主題: Books, Book Reviews Templates, Accounting Website Templates, Software Templates, Software Store Templates, Education & Books, Business & Services, Computers & Internet,

顏色: white, yellow,

標籤: book, composition, cover, design, gear, icon, illustration, image, institute, knowledge, letter, notebook, page, paper, school, science, structure, study, training, abstraction,

graphicsType: Vector, Raster,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Figma,

filesIncluded: JPG, PSD, PNG, EPS, SVG, AI, CDR,