
Fastfix - Service Center Clean Minimal Joomla Template

Joomla 架站內容管理系統模板

This is a simple and modern template which will be an ideal option for working in the repair services sector. It includes all the sections for a quality website: services, portfolio, reviews, and others. There are several color presets for decoration. The built-in page layout constructor has a drag & drop interface. It will be convenient for newcomers. This is a simple, beautiful, reliable, and modern Joomla template, which is ideal for any service center websites. It doesn't require knowledge of any programming or markup languages, like HTML and CSS, in order to make changes to the site's pages. Everything is simple and intuitive. Your business needs such a solution, so take a closer look at the Fastfix template and learn more about it.

This Electronics Company Joomla theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design renders an internet page the exact same perfectly on any kind of display size.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design delivers significantly better user experience for people that visit a webpage on a phone or a tablet, and in many cases really helps to improve rankings of a website in Google results.

Fresh Responsive Joomla templates here

This Electronics Joomla design is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready WordPress themes are templates that can adapt to Retina displays and always look clear and vivid.

Why is it Good?

Being Retina Ready your website becomes obtainable from Apple products which expands the group of potential customers.

Newest Retina Ready Joomla themes here

This is a Bootstrap Electronics News Joomla design

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for webpage and applications design.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is extremely flexible for any customization. It's not hard to manage with, includes a wonderful grid system and extensive elements collection.

Browse for more Bootstrap Joomla designs here

模板編號: 71490
類型: Joomla 架站內容管理系統模板
作者: RockThemes
下載: 25
NT $1980
模板編號: 71490
模板類型: Joomla 架站內容管理系統模板
作者: RockThemes
下載: 25
特徵: Responsive, Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Retina Ready, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,

網站表單: Contact Form, Login Form, User Registration, Search Form,

joomlaModules: Articles - Newsflash, Articles Single, Bootstrap Collapse, Bootstrap Tabs, TM Ajax Contact Form, Komento,

顏色: black, white, grey, cyan,

標籤: audio, company, computer, device, digital, electronics, gadget, hardware, laptop, microphone, music, receiver, shop, tablet, tech, technical, technology,