
Customer feedback social media post or client testimonial template layout

企業形象 CIS 設計樣版

Customer feedback social media post or client testimonial template design. All type of Corporate business company, agricultural Company, Home Sale, Land Sale or other property selling company could use this Customer feedback social media post or client testimonial template design

NOTE: Image and mockup are not included in the main file, they are only for preview.


Easy to Customizable and Editable Color: Rgb Typr: EPS FILE 300 DPI Font: Free Font

#Customer feedback social media post or client testimonial template design    #Main keyword : Customer feedback social media post or client testimonial template design, marketing promotion, feedback review, testimonial post, testimony, customer feedback post, customer review, clients review, customer feedback testimonial, client testimonials, clients feedback, customer service feedback, feedback review, service feedback, client feedback, service review, customer feedback testimonial, customer service feedback

Support: If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I’ll appreciate it very much.

Thank you.

模板編號: 402891
類型: 企業形象 CIS 設計樣版
作者: Crevect
下載: 0
NT $180
模板編號: 402891
模板類型: 企業形象 CIS 設計樣版
作者: Crevect
下載: 0
主題: Electronics Review Templates, Islamic Social Center Templates, Social Foundation Templates, Electronics Templates, Media Templates, Business & Services, Society & People,

顏色: black, white, grey,

標籤: business, flyer, promotion, testimonial, testimony, customer feedback, marketing promotion, customer review, clients review, customer feedback testimonial, client testimonials, clients feedback, customer service feedback, feedback review, service feedback, client feedback, service review, testimonial post, customer feedback post,

filesIncluded: JPG, EPS,